Saturday, March 3, 2012

Through wind, through rain,
Through fire and frost,
Through storm and cave,
We go at all cost,
 To save a princess,
To slay a beast,
And then come back and have a feast,
We go; we go, through mountains and snow,
We go; we go, through rivers flow,
To slay a dragon on leathery wings,
To fight for good with mountain kings,
Before the mountains age to dust,
Clime up them we must, We Must,
We fight for glory, honor, and love,
To change a land from crow to dove,
With swift steed, and sharp sword,
We will never get bored,
La, la, l-la, laa,
La, la, l-la, laa,
Through wind, through rain,
Through fire and frost,
Through storm and cave,
We go at all cost,
To slay a serpent that rules the sea,
To come and see what we can see,
We go; we go, through forest old,
We go; we go, with heads high and bold,
Come on, the limit is the sky,
So sprout a pair of wings and fly,
Over mountain, over plane,
Where windmills mill all kinds of grain,
We’ll die as – scratch that out,
We’ll be immortal when elixir touches our mouth,
Through wind, through rain,
Through fire and frost,
Through storm and cave,
We go at all cost,
Must of us will fail epiclly,
O well that means more gold for me,
La, la, la, laa,

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