Monday, February 6, 2012

A poem of adventure

Through wind, through rain,
through fire and frost,
through storm and cave,
we go at all cost!
To save a princess, to slay a beast,
and then come back and have a feast!
We go, we go through mountains and snow,
We go, we go through river’s flow.
To kill a dragon on leathery wings,
to fight for good with mountain kings.
Before the mountains age to dust,
Climb up them, we must, We Must!
When creeps come crawling from distant lands,
with glowing eyes and claws for hands.
Grab a sword, axe, or spear,
to fight for life and what you hold dear.
Through wind, through rain,
through fire and frost,
through storm and cave,
we go at all cost!
weary are our tired feet,
and sick we are of squirrel meat.
We go, we go, through ash and snow,
we go, we go, through horrors of war.
To not get caught in the blackened dome,
to some day get back home.
For gold right now I have no need,
just give me a drink and a swift steed.
War scares this deserted lands,
monsters still lerk with claws for hands.
Now only bones remain,
of those good men of forgotten name.
Through wind, through rain,
through fire and frost,
through storm and cave,
we go at all cost.
To find a place to finally rest.

Once-a-pone a time a pegasus flew past me when I was skiing and bucked me in the head (probably more like when I was going up the lift). By the magic of the mythical beast I was inspired to make the first lines and then continued creating. Actually I was inspired by adrenalin from skiing, thoughts of elemental forces, and Lord of The Rings which I was reading at that time. This was my first poem as well as pretty much the only serious one.

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